Mike Stone............

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Mike Stone............

Post by Trev Clark »

...has sort of retired, see this note he has written
After much thought and consternation I have decided that I have made my last aircraft for Microsoft Flight Sim. Well, sort of. Let me rephrase. I've made my last REAL aircraft for FS.

Here's what it boils down to. I'm tired. Tired of all the hastle. Tired of all the crap. I figure I've done my share. Let someone else take over. I mean, since there are so many people out there who know everything about aircraft design, and are so freely willing to tell me what's wrong with my work, then its only reasonable to expect these people...David Anderson for instance...to step up and start making hundreds of super high quality aircraft, perfect to the last rivet. So let's go boys. Here's the perfect opportunity to show off YOUR talents. Yeah, right.

I just don't want to do it anymore folks. It's quit being fun (more on that in a minute). And I've said for a long time, when that happened I was hanging it up. No more scrounging the web, magazines and books looking for a detailed picture of some planes left landing gear, so I can model it correctly. No more worries about is this too big, or too small? Does this look right? No more "When is it going to be done? When are you going to do mine? Why haven't you done this yet?". No more.

This has been building for a bit, but the last straw was FSX. I think I've stated my opinion of FSX enough that everyone knows my position on that. And I thought I could skate around it for a while. But now I find myself getting barraged by a daily stream of "What's wrong with your airplane? It doesn't work right in FSX. Why doesn't it work. Make it work". My answer? Tell it to Microsoft.

Now, back to the part about it not being any fun. I had a blast making the Stingray. It was a lot of fun. And that's what got me thinking? What was so fun about it? Because it isn't real. It was indeed, just for fun. I could do what I wanted, my way, and noone is in a position to tell me its wrong. Noone can send me a photo of the real Stingray to prove the nose is the wrong shape. I can make the nose any darn shape I like. Yippeeee!. So that's where my future lies in aircraft design for FS. Fun airplanes, made just for fun. Play time. It's silly, but do you have any idea how many e-mails I still get from people telling me the Flapjack is their favorite plane? I'm going to put the fun back into it.

So I'm not entirely quitting. Just changing gears and scaling things back. I plan to use the recovered time to pursue my other hobbies, such as astronomy and my recently revitalized model ship building. That and do more flying, getting more involved in Transload, etc.

So to all my friends and fans who've supported my efforts over the years, I say THANK YOU!.

To the others I say....nothing....you aren't worth the effort.

There. See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

More to come. Stay tuned to this station.
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Whatever you think about his designs, it is a sad day when this happens, the numbers of freeware designers are getting like the Dead Sea, shrinking by the month.
ATB Trev

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Post by Rick Piper »

Hi Trev

Mike has always said similar and i know exactly what he means as it can get too much when you get the rivet counter e mails.

I chose to follow the rivet counter route but i still get the e mails. :dunno:

& they never ever come from someone that can model :doh:

which i think is why it annoys mike that much.

Glad he's not giving up completely as he fills a gap that nobody else can.


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Post by simtrac »

Since I got into simming, for the life of me I have never ever understood the flak freeware developers get, and to be honest, I cannot understand how SERIOUSLY some people on other forums take it all.

What else do they DO in their lives I wonder?

If I download some freeware that for whatever reason I don't like, I just delete it and move on, its as simple as that. Why have a go at someone - its so negative and unconstructive!!

And the really good stuff, I am grateful for keeping. You know who I'm talking about.

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Post by Quixoticish »

Sometimes it seems the FS community is hell bent on self destruction. I've never understood the people who criticise indiscriminately for no purpose (apparently) other than inflating their own ego.

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Post by Paul K »

Is it me, or has Mike Stone always been a bit defensive about his designs ? He was quite prolific, and yet he came across as not really enjoying what he did. I know there are simmers who expect perfection, and they expect it NOW, but Mike seemed to set his stall out right from the beginning: this is all you're getting... if its wrong then tough luck, just delete it.

The only plane of his I ever had was the Curtiss Commando, and wasn't really happy with it. Still looking for a decent one.

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Post by simtrac »

He has. I know from my own professional experience as a Graphic Designer, if you do this you'll get criticism because you are unintentionally telling your 'customers' what to think. Luckily, it works the other way!

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Post by ianhind »

has Mike Stone always been a bit defensive about his designs
I don't think so. What you are seeing is his response to early criticism of his efforts.

You may think the comment has always been there at his website, but that is because he has been modelling for so long.

If you look on Flightsim.com you can find an Islander for FS2000 - check the readme and it is different to the current version.

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Post by AndyG »

Paul K wrote:Is it me, or has Mike Stone always been a bit defensive about his designs ? He was quite prolific, and yet he came across as not really enjoying what he did. I know there are simmers who expect perfection, and they expect it NOW, but Mike seemed to set his stall out right from the beginning: this is all you're getting... if its wrong then tough luck, just delete it.

The only plane of his I ever had was the Curtiss Commando, and wasn't really happy with it. Still looking for a decent one.
Paul K, you've sort of summed it all up in that post. Mike is/was prolific but always made it clear he was making what he wanted for his own use and if other people found them useful fine, if not .......

Problem was, people didn't seem to understand that and kept badgering him to improve this, or change that - the point being, it was right as far as he was concerned, so why should he change it for anybody else.

Personally I feel that Mike is kind enough to make available decent quality, FPS-friendly basic models (hands up everybody here who uses Mike's Hercules for AI) usually of subjects nobody else has done. I'm not keen on his Stone Air fantasy aircraft, so I don't download them. On the other hand his Pioneer/Twin Pioneer formed the basic canvas for some decent repaints so I DID download them - similarly the C-46 Commando, if there was an alternative version I'd probably use that but, as you pointed out, there isn't and it looks enough like a C-46 for me to use as AI , so I'm a happy bunny!

Probably the classic example for this forum is the Britannia. Many people have criticised Mike's Brit and, yes, it does have it's faults but until somebody can show me an alternative I'll continue to use this one - and with all the work Tony, Frazer etc have done to embellish it it would have to be a damn good alternative!! :poke:

So Mike, if you're passing by at any point, enjoy your semi-retirement and thanks for all the great planes I have on my system. And if you ever want to reconsider your decision, I've got a nice ideas for you with plenty of reference material!!! :wink:


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Post by ianhind »

AndyG beat me to it but here's my thoughts anyway:

Mike has modelled a lot of aircraft - many of them are unique in that no one else has done them, and amazingly for an American :wink: many of them were British aircraft. Some people may not like the models but mostly you have a simple choice: use Mike's model or have a gap in your inventory :think:

For me, the forums at his site made me realise that there was a community of flight simmers. Had some good times there until Mike closed the forum when it was taking up too much of his time. We got over it eventually and found new places to hang out - some of those people are here at CBFS.

I have enormous RESPECT for anyone who can make a model for Flight Simulator, whether simple or complex. Just doing the modelling of the shape would beat me, but then there is the moving parts, aerodynamics, etc

So whether it is Mike, Rick, David, Derek, Dave, Jens and all the other solo artists out there... THANK YOU.

PS if you want another C-46, JR Lucariny has one. Whether it is better or worse is your decision.

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Post by Paul K »

ianhind wrote:PS if you want another C-46, JR Lucariny has one. Whether it is better or worse is your decision.
Thanks Ian, just grabbed it and will give it a whirl later. :smile:

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