Hawker Hunter FSX - Danny Garnier

Classic British Flight Sim forum.
Support for Maltby/Piper FS models & other Classic British freeware.

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Re: Hawker Hunter FSX - Danny Garnier

Post by speepig »

Rick Piper wrote:Yes

I love your pointless incorrectly done FSX portovers that are done so badly that leave my copyright and e mail address in there so i get 200 e mails asking why i have done another FS9 model portover :'(

if your watching Danny

your not helping me at all.

you are destroying 9 years of hard work with you talentless errors and lack of being able to read my copyright and all other authors that you disrespect with your destruction.

Rick :-#
As a beneficiary of the hard work and a consequent admirer of yourself and all the others he has plagiarized I wish he would cease his wretched practices. I have not downloaded any item with his name on it and it has put me off simviation and any other websites which allow him to upload. I'm off to buy a hawk from a maestro.

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Re: Hawker Hunter FSX - Danny Garnier

Post by Myles »

Just don't make a mistake and buy a Maestro from a Hawk! :lol: :lol:

BTW, I agree wholeheartedly about the likes of Mr Garner and Norcal. If the original wworks in FSX without modification, it does not need to be uploaded by somebody who labels it as FSX. We can put the original into FSX ourselves and supply our own thumbnails. If they have gauge and transparency problems, they should definately not be uploaded as FSX compatible by anybody, including the original author. The only way to do it is to upload any modified configuration files only with instructions on how to add them to the host product.

But try telling these people :brick:


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Re: Hawker Hunter FSX - Danny Garnier

Post by Vulcan_to_the_Sky! »

What a shame to see this happening once again!

It just seems that when you close the door on One Person, another three are waiting to break in,

I hope these get sorted soon, I prefer to fly any aircraft from its ORIGINAL Author. Whenever I have done repaints (Not many though!), I've always made sure to reference the original author and ensure its clear who originally made it, as its unfair on them otherwise after the sheer amount of effort they have put in.

This is especially the case with the aircraft from here, most of which are at times better than some of the payware out there.

Keep up the good work in hunting down and removing the individuals who are damaging the hobby!

Cathy Howat
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Re: Hawker Hunter FSX - Danny Garnier

Post by Cathy Howat »

I have been bitten by NORCAL in this way, thanks for the heads up, I was NOT aware they were breaking copyright. I will not be downloading any of their "packages again",
they are, in the main, lousy anyway :flying:

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