Embarassed to be British

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by aeroart »

Hi John,

You shouldn't be ashamed about being British. I'm not ashamed of being an American just because we have the Tea Party. I'm ashamed of the people who elect them. And, as a bonus, we also have Limbaugh!


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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by J0hn »

You know what? I'm not ashamed of being British! I'm just ashamed of what Britain has become! :)

When I see stories like this incredible piece of prattery (new word, there - well, everyone else seems to just make them up and think they are valid, so if you can't beat them... :lol: ):


it actually makes our lot seem positively fandabidozy. Okay, well, maybe just dozy, then :lol:

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by FlyTexas »

"Prattery"...I like it! :lol: A great word. :thumbsup: The politically correct movement is a disease upon our collective society. We just need to treat each other with common human decency!! Simple as that. :agree: As for anyone being embarrassed to be British...Don't!! Recently I discovered the TV series "Great British Railway Journeys" on YouTube. I'm currently up to season two episode seven. What an amazing history you have! A world leader in all things. :) Here's a link for anyone not familiar with the TV show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYxecEgJsHc


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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by Airspeed »

Hi Brian,
Haven't tried that link yet, but it's probably blocked as it won't tell the story according to: "Selling public transport to the most greedy and incompetent private operator" policy of Australian government.
Our PM has also changed the school chaplaincy rules so that unless the chaplain is religiously oriented, there's no funding. Yes, you guessed it, he's a C.....

EDIT; I was wrong, it hasn't been blocked, but my comments are unchanged.

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by J0hn »

Well thanks, Brian. I think you're right, we do have a pretty outstanding history - even if we got some things wrong and made some pretty monumental mess-ups along the way. The problem is that it's just that - history.

I've had the (mis-?)fortune of seeing things from several perspectives, from the 'lowest' homeless tramp in the park to working directly for the most powerful government and in many different countries, though all in Europe. There are so many things about the UK and its way of doing things that really beggar belief. We seem intent on making things just about as difficult as we can for ourselves, without actually realising it because of our blinkered attitude, born of our history, but also due to the "me first" culture and grabbing without consideration that seems rife in today's society. I was just chatting to a learned friend this morning and we agreed that the UK's infrastructure is probably so lacking compared to our European brethren, because we haven't been invaded in the last 150 years.

I'm well and truly gobsmacked at some of the things that go on, and when I broach the subject in casual conversation with most people the usual response is complete ignorance as to what the heck I am on about! In a way I find it quite amusing, but in another, really sad. I really dread to think where it's all going to end, but I am pleased that I probably won't be around to find out! I think a main problem is the lack of any kind of standards these days. It really seems that 'it'll do' has been accepted as being enough in just about any subject you care to name. Whatever happened to wanting to be the best? Having pride in doing one's job to the best of one's ability? Just seems to have all gone out of the window.

I blame Gorbochev, myself - much as I liked the chap. If he hadn't caved, we'd still have a common enemy and would still live in the united fear of nuclear holocaust and thereby feel the urge to help our neighbours with their daily challenges, in a bid to stand united against evil. But best of all, we'd still have the Harrier! :cheers:

By the way - just in case - I've not lost the plot, that last bit is meant as a joke ;)

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by Swanoir »

The Sun Has Got His Hat On is from the wonderful musical Me and My Girl. The 'N' word was substituted with 'He's been roasting peanuts, down in Timbuktu'...Obviously, I can't condone the use of the 'N' word in our modern context, but back when the song was written it didn't have the same connotation.

Don't get me wrong, it was a condescending term at the time and hardly complimentary, but by no means carried the weight it does today. As a writer myself, I'm fascinated by the power that words bring, 'names' do hurt me.

Context and usage with intent is everything. I remember during the 80s, any decent film that made it to the BBC was re-dubbed. The F word was substituted with the totally made up word 'Frig', as I memorably recall from a Tom Cruise movie in which someone uttered 'Frig you, and frig your brother...' (Might have been Rain Man)Clearly this was chosen because it closely matched the image the actor's lips were forming to make the 'f' sound.

Very quickly, the word 'frig' became taboo. My own mother told me off for using it!

Words carry stupendously inappropriate power. But power we as a society imbue them with.

I thought the line between racism and semantics was huge, but apparently not.

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by TSR2 »

If you've listen to any Rap music from the past twenty years, or indeed watch any of the good US drama series such as the wire, the term is used all of the time, and I don't recall either Radio 1 or BBC2 having any trouble when the word is used in either of these scenarios. :dunno:


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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by Swanoir »

Exactly Ben. So what we have here, is a word that is unacceptable for people of a certain race to say, but very acceptable for people of another race to say...Er, isn't that racist? My head hurts...

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by Vancouver »

Whatever happened to "sticks & stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me"?
Oh we have become so delicate and precious have we not. 'bout time we manned up - or is that not allowed either? 8)

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Re: Embarassed to be British

Post by aeroart »


Your comment about Gorbachev brought something to mind that I had said to someone I know who had retired from a sensistive US goverment job. I asked if he missed the Soviet Union yet. He looked at me as though I had lost my mind. When he asked why he would miss them, my answer was that they were dangerous, but not crazy. Look at the kind of enemies we have today!

I'd rather have Putin for an enemy then our current adversaries. We may end up with both.


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